

Go forward!!
-towards the leading company in the industry-

With sincere gratitude to your continued support.

We started our business in 2012 that the world economy had not been in good times.
However, up until now, we have been continuing our business with great support from our domestic and foreign customers.

In recent years, the environment surrounding Japan and Asia has been complicated in the quickly changing international situation.
Companies as well, I feel that they have been in the similar very short cycle circumstances.

We, even in such severe changes, would like to be a group that be able to offer a sustainable service to the nations around the world, mainly with used construction machinery.

There are a lot of large enterprises which have changed and led the society, but I firmly believe that it is venture companies like us that have been changing the world.

Global Company Group will make a persistent effort to become only one elected group which brings a change to the market.

Please continue to support the Global Company Group in this goal.

Naoki Sugimoto

President Naoki Sugimoto
President Naoki Sugimoto